The Groupe Ubürik, in which Corentin Colluste is very active, produces theatre plays where music is an essential element. In addition to Bons Baisers de Bergame, it offers plays destined to children like Têtu·es et culotté·es or else J’ai traversé l’Arbre sans fin. It also produces plays for all ages with Les Portraits Dérobés, or else Home Sweet Home, which explores different ways to feel “at home”.
Home Sweet Home J’ai traversé l’Arbre sans fin Les Portraits Dérobés
Besides, Corentin’s work is also taking place in a concert solo, where he sings his own songs. With Limouz’art productions, we can discover him alongside Cécile Le Meignen for the sung performance Romane & Tom. Each time, we can find that desire to approach music as a narrative element of the story, as a material able to create an atmosphere but also to influence the story itself.
Romane & Tom Hûllymën In concert